Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Shadow 2 {1}

Samantha sat there beside her sister, as Suzy moan for her. Desmond came back in looking at Samantha; his heart broke as he saw her eyes full of sorrow.

“It’s time to go,” he laid his hands on Samantha shoulder. “Don’t worry; you will meet her very soon.” Desmond held her hands taking her up into the skies. Suzy sat there looking into her sister’s picture as she cries out. As Samantha left for the heaven where her parents are, Suzy felt something in her heart suddenly shock. She squeezes her chest in pain, thinking something was wrong with her. She screams in pain, the pain slowly fades away after a few hours have passed. She lay there unconscious panting for air, her hands still hold on to her sister’s picture. She slowly opens her eyes, as she saw the red full moon shining down on her face. She smiles widely bathing under that moon light.

“Your highness,” someone knock on her door asking permission to enter. She signals her hands allowing him to enter. His presence reminded her of someone, but it just missed her mind. “It’s a beautiful night indeed, but your highness shouldn’t be sitting out too long, the sun will rise soon.” His voice calm and stern, he laid his palm of her head. She looked up into the person voice seeing the young boy she knew in the ball room dance.

“You are that boy who stood at the wall at the dance?” she asked curiously.

“Yes, your highness. My name is Jenard.” He speaks politely, careful with his every gesture.

“Jenard, I see…” she closes her eyes, as his presences complete her. He took away all her curiosity, her worries and even her anger. Yet something was nagging behind her mind. Her eyes shoot open as she quickly looks around the room. She was back in her house, laying there on the floor. Her arms tightly held on to her sister’s picture. Again she started to cry, thinking she is alone now. Down the stairs in the shadow, the man stood again. He no longer smiles, but his eyes show nothing but anger. He mumbles a few words than disappearing into thin air again.

Few days had pass, as Samantha was buried and the funeral was over. Many people offer a helping hand to Suzy, but she refuses and wanted to be alone. In school, her friends were worried for her, as she lingers around lifelessly. No longer was her smile and laughter heard in her school, and the hyper Suzy was now the gloomy Suzy. Her friends slowly left her alone, thinking there is no way into helping her. Jenard sat beside her all the time, he looked into her eyes thinking there must be something her could do for her. Everyday he walked her home and to school, he talked to her. Sometimes he manages to make her laugh a little. But Suzy still stayed in her own world, living a life so lonely.

“DING_DONG_” the door bell rang, Suzy opened it looking into the eyes of a man she never seen but she knew him from somewhere.

“Yes? May I help you?” she asked politely. Thinking maybe he wants to sell some stuff.

“My name is Carson. I am here to take you home.” he said with pride and firmness.

“This is my home and I don’t know you. How am I supposed to follow you?” she said thinking that this man was dangerous. As his eyes was fierce, and his shaggy hair, with long black coat and black gloves.

“Suzy, you got to trust me, I am your only family member left.” He took out the picture where she was young and he held her in his arms. “Don’t you remember your own uncle?” Suzy stare at him a moment, but the memories she have doesn’t have him inside.

“I guess that impact really had your memory lost.” He mumbles some words causing Suzy to loose her consciousness. He held her in his arms, “Don’t you worry, my queen. I will save you no matter what.” He carried her into his car, driving of into the dark. Jenard stood at the high roof looking at Carson’s car.

“No way you are taking her away from me again.” He voice shows no mercy as his speed away into the night. Carson drove into his mansion, his maids and butler waited for him at the door.

“Oh my,” the butler gasp as he saw Suzy carried by Carson. “Must you be this rough with a kid?”

“Shut up, Joe. This kid is not for me to play. She is the queen we had lost a long time ago.” he carried her gently, kissing her forehead. “Prepare a nice room for her, and you guys get her clean. Be gentle with her.” He orders the maid. They quickly took their duty and disappear from his sight, as they knew that he was angry and furious.

“Would you like to have a cup of tea? To smooth your feeling?” Joe came in with the tea ready in his hands. Carson nodded his head, looking at the documents left on his table.

“You know what Joe? She is really the queen. I’ve found her at last after so many centuries.” His voice softens.

“Will she remember you?” Joe asked concerned, but Carson didn’t reply, even he himself doesn’t know if she will remember him.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Shadow part 1 {2}

“Hey Samantha, wanna go out for a drink after work?” Jacob asked with his bright blue eyes, hoping for her to say yes. Samantha looks away from her screen, looking up there at him. Her eyes darker than Suzy, her hair golden brown wave slightly as she turns to look at him, Jacob heart jumped as her smile charm him.

“Sorry, I got other plans today,” she smiled again, Jacob looked at her blushed. He smiled walking away thinking for another plan. Samantha whistles gently as she packs her desk leaving the office for the day. She stood before the lift waiting for it to come. As she stood there looking at her watch, a young man with blue eyes stood beside her. He greeted her in a low tone voice, his eyes charms all the women in the company as he walked pass by. Samantha was also caught in the moment memorizing. His dark blue eyes as clear as the sky, his well build body. Somewhere is her heart someone whispers for her to run away, but she stood there staring at him without moving at all. The lift reached as he walked into lift, he held the lift waiting for her to enter, but her mind went blank.

“Are you coming in?” his voice again charms her, she quickly walked in embarrassed. Her heart kept on pumping as she stood beside him; he stood there looking at her. “Have I met you before?” he broke the silent.

“No, we haven’t,” she smiled back hiding her nervousness, hoping her heart beat wasn’t too loud for him to hear.

“Ah, I see. My name is Desmond. How bout you?” he asked calmly looking into her eyes.

“My name is Samantha, are you a new member of this company?”

“Yeah, nothing much to do anyway, been like here the whole morning and there aren’t any stuff for me to do.” Samantha giggles. “Hey, why don’t we meet sometimes for like lunch or dinner?” they chatted as the lift descended slowly. Samantha wishes that the time could stop for that moment.

[Get away from him…] someone whispers in her head. She stood there as the lift open, Desmond walked out smiling.

“So, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He smiled; Samantha nodded her head shaking the voice inside her away. “No I should say, see you later Samantha…” he whispers as the door slam close. Samantha looked shock at the door as if she heard something that was forbidden, but she couldn’t catch the last words and sentence she shook away the idea thinking she must have been dreaming. She drove back happily, she whistles as she glance at the cake lay there at the passenger sit. [Suzy is going to love it…] She drove but she missed the light that turns red in front of her.

“HONK!!!” a loud horn strike from the other side, both cars compact into each other leaving Samantha screaming. She closes her eyes, feeling every single impact on her body. Moment had past as she slowly open her eyes, she tries feeling the pain around her body but none was felt. She stares straight from where she stood. She was looking into the crash from where she stood; many people walked pass her into the scene. Moments later someone pull a body out from her car, she stare at her body looking into her bloody self. [Am I already dead?]

“Yes you are.” A familiar voice came from behind her. She turned around expecting to stare into a face she knew. But instead what stood behind her was a man with long black robes. “I already told you I will see you later,” he smiles evilly.

“Desmond?” her voice shook in fear thinking she must be dreaming. Yet he smile and pulled his hood back showing his charming face yet so evil. “What just happen?”

“You just died,” he pause letting the word sink into her mind. “And I am here to take your soul.” His eyes show no mercy, Samantha drop on the floor; her legs gave way not allowing her to stand. “Come on, I got to bring you to se your sister one last time.” He grabs her hand flying up into the air.

“How can that be? I can’t leave my sister alone!” she let his hands go, running away from his gaze. “She needs me, we lost our parents already, and she needs me!” she screamed, tears fall from her eyes.

“I know your parents I took them to heaven. That is where you are going too, don’t worry bout your sister, her destiny is more thrilling and you think.” He smiles as he talks. “Even if you leave her now, she will meet you again one day with your parents. And my meaning is not she die, yet she live to see you.” He again grabs her hands, leading her towards their house. Samantha tried to struggle but some where in her heart she knew that he was speaking the truth. They lay on Suzy room where she sat there doing her homework, at the same time looking at the clock. Samantha tries grabbing her little sister, but her hands went through her. The phone rang, Suzy quickly stood up reaching for the phone. Samantha had already known what the call was, as she looks at her sister eyes, both of their hearts broke into pieces. She hugs Suzy, both of them cried. Desmond stood there looking into both of their eyes. [If only I could tell her the reason of her death and her parent’s death…] he signs to himself leaving Samantha with her sister for a while. Suzy kept on crying thinking that she is alone, all her family member no longer around her.

“Why, why must you do this to me?” Suzy scream into the night as she moan and cries for her sister’s death.